An Irishman and an Italian, walk into a bar.
Rodney Freel
The Irishman
They Irishman says,
“I know how to drink really well.”
Kenneth Vigorito
The Italian
The Italian says,
“I know how to cook even better.”
And the rest is history in the making!
Like most everything in Youngstown, Gringos is built on grit and charisma and we take great pride in serving everyone from YSU students to Girard, Canfield and even Sharon, PA residents! Part of what makes Gringos such a success is that we know we're only at our best when we are creating delicious, authentic Mexican fare and stress-busting tequila to the widest array of clientele. Our customers are the lifeblood of our business and we look forward to meeting every face that darkens our door!
Stop in, say hey and stay for a bit. We promise you, the only regret you'll have is why you didn't come by sooner.